Operational & Performance Improvement Services

Improvement Services Offered

1. Business Process Reengineering: Analyzing existing processes and identifying opportunities to improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.

2. Customer Relationship Management: Developing strategies to improve customer retention and loyalty.

3. Quality Management: Implementing quality assurance programs to ensure the delivery of quality products and services.

4. Change Management: Developing plans to manage and implement organizational change.

5. Strategic Planning: Developing strategies to maximize organizational performance and achieve desired goals.

6. Performance Management: Setting performance goals and monitoring progress to ensure goals are achieved.

7. Cost Reduction: Identifying areas for cost reduction and developing strategies to achieve cost savings.

8. Risk Management: Developing strategies to identify and manage risks.

9. Human Resource Management: Developing strategies to recruit, retain and develop a highperforming workforce.

10. Leadership Development: Developing leadership skills for managers and executives.

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Operational Improvement
Turnaround Management
GovCon Performance Improvement
M&A GovCon


  • jm@zigr.co


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